一、日期 Date 2015年7月25日 July 25, 2015 二、会议安排Conference Arrangement 8:00-9:00 签到 9:00-12:00 论坛一:中国经济新风向(场地A) 14:00-18:10 论坛二:"创业+"时代(场地A) 14:00-16:00 论坛三:"一带一路"新经济图景(场地B) 16:10-18:10 论坛四:股市新常态(场地B) 三、地址 Venue 北京国贸大酒店 China World Summit Wing 中国北京建国门外大街1号 No.1 Jianguomenwai Avenue 邮政编码:100004 Beijing 100004, China 电话: (86 10) 6505 2299 T: (86 10) 6505 2299 传真: (86 10) 6505 8811 F: (86 10) 6505 8811 建议您乘坐公共交通工具到达会场(地铁:国贸站A口出向北走10分钟至国贸三期国贸大酒店)。若您开车前往,请将车停入酒店地下停车场。 You may use public transportation to get to China World Summit Wing (walk north for ten minutes from Guomao Metro Station Exit A to the conference venue). If you drive, please put your car at the underground parking lot of the hotel. 四、会议语言 Language 汉语 Chinese 五、胸卡 Badge 年会期间,请您佩戴胸卡,全程会议严格凭胸卡进出。胸卡如有丢失,请立即联系我们。 Please wear the badge during the conference. No access will be permitted to any meeting without the badge. Please contact the Conference Information Centre forthwith in case of lost and damage of the badge. 六、新闻中心Press Centre 为了便于记者工作,年会开通公共对外邮箱,记者可直接输入用户名及密码登陆,索取相关文字及图片资料。 用户名:naec163@163.com 密码:2013naec Journalists are entitled to visit mail.163.com and login to get all the materials including photos, press release etc. User name: naec163@163.com Password: 2013naec 七、年会信息及合作Conference Cooperation and Information 邮箱:NAEC@vip.163.com 联系人:东静 电话:010-82558163-9194 Mail: dongjing@corp.netease.com Please Contact: Ms. Dong Jing Tel: 010-82558163-9194 八、注意事项 Announcements 请所有参会人员凭邀请函入场并着正装出席。 Formal dressing is required for all participants, and the invitation shall be worn. 会场内请保持安静并调低您的手机以免影响他人。 Please keep quiet and turn your mobile phone to silent mode when you are in the venue. |