


Song Bin



宋斌先生拥有广泛的企业经营和经济管理经验,积累丰富的基金运营、投资银行、金融投资、财富管理、经济研究及产融结合诸多方面专业成果。自2001年起历任华鑫证券有限责任公司党委副书记、副总经理及兼投资银行总部总经理、董事会秘书以及摩根士丹利华鑫基金董事 ,中银投资浙商产业基金首席运营官等职务。1993-2001年曾任国家经济贸易委员会办公厅委主任办公室副主任、信息调研处处长等职务。之前先后在首钢设计院、首钢机电公司、首钢集团总公司从事科研设计、产业研究和企业管理工作。

Robin Soong is the Managing Partner/President/CEO of TS First Fortune Asset Management Co., Ltd, and is also the Vice Chairman of Nord-Engine Asset Management Group.,and is also Producer of ChinaGovFund.CN and is also Vice Chairman of CAPE(China Association of Private Equity). Before taking charge in TSF Capital, Mr. Soong is the COO of BOCGI ZHESHANG CAPITAL CO.,LTD. During 2001 to 2012, he worked in China Fortune Securities Co,Ltd / Huaxin, and successively held the posts of Chairman of Investment banking division, Member of Management Committee & Deputy CEO of China Fortune Securities Co, Ltd (CFSC) ,Director of Board of Morgan Stanley Huaxin Funds company (MSHF).Before that, Mr. Soong worked in State Economic & Trade Commission as Chief of Economic Information and Research Department from 1993 to 2001. Mr. Soong spent his early career years in China ShouGang Group and took positions at Researcher & technician, Team Leader,Researcher & Coordinator, etc.

Mr. Soong worked at the large business enterprise group, national economy department of China and financing institutions over a long period of time. He has many business enterprises management experience and knowledge, as well as the technology and experience of investment banking business. And has accumulated lots of professional achievements in in many aspects such as fund management, investment banking, financial investment, wealth management, economic research and combination of finance and industry.

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