Panel Discussion Sessions 主题讨论 |
09:20 AM |
How can big companies stay innovative
主题: 大型公司如何保持创新力
Mr. Hans Vestberg, President and CEO of Ericsson 瑞典爱立信总裁与首席执行官卫汉斯先生演讲
Mr. Jouko Karvinen, CEO of Stora Enso 康佑坤先生,斯道拉恩索首席执行官
Mr. Lars Pettersson, President and CEO of Sandvik 裴德生先生,山特维克公司总裁与首席执行官
Q&A by Mr. Alexander Wan, a professional external moderator 问答环节
10:50 AM |
Coffee Break茶歇 |
11:00 AM |
Innovation of the traditional manufacturing industry and service industry 主题: 传统制造业与服务业的创新 |
Mr. Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman of Investor and IBLAC (Mayor of Shanghai’s International Business Leaders Advisory Council)
Mr. Tom Johnstone, CEO of SKF 汤姆? 强斯顿先生,斯凯孚公司首席执行官
Mr. Olof Faxander, SSAB 奥洛夫? 法克森德先生,瑞典钢铁公司
Q & A by Mr. Alexander Wan, a professional external moderator 问答环节