1月20日 |
时间 | 主题 | 内容 | 嘉宾 |
01:00 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 世界经济论坛执行主席致欢迎辞 | Klaus Schwab |
01:10 | Arts & Culture | 第22届年度水晶奖颁奖典礼 | Hilde Schwab, William Adams, Yao Chen, Olafur Eliasson, Leonardo DiCaprio |
01:30 | Arts & Culture | 音乐会 | Yo-Yo Ma |
14:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | “今日达沃斯”晨间新闻节目 | |
15:45 | Global Economy | 着眼长远,势在必行 | Mark Wiseman, Dominic Barton, Laurence Fink, Tidjane Thiam, Andrew N. Liveris, Güler Sabanci, Victor Halberstadt |
16:00 | Energy | 能源转型 | Daniel Yergin, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Fatih Birol, Ignacio Sánchez Galán, Eric Xin Luo, Mehmet Simsek |
16:00 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 未来转型 | Andrew R. Sorkin, Sheryl Sandberg, Satya Nadella, Paul Kagame, Anand Mahindra, Zachary Bookman |
16:30 | Health | Press Conference: GAVI and Merck announce agreement to help prepare for future Ebola outbreaks | Julie Louise Gerberding, Georg Schmitt, Seth F. Berkley, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala |
16:45 | Energy, Climate, Fourth Industrial Revolution | 飞遍全球——没有燃料也无所畏惧 | André Borschberg, Bertrand Piccard, Al Gore |
17:30 | Global Economy | 营商新环境 | Stuart T. Gulliver, Feike Sijbesma, Christiana Figueres, Steve Sedgwick, Doug McMillon, Abdelilah Benkirane |
17:30 | Global Finance | 预防未来冲击 | Maria Bartiromo, Paul Singer, Martin Sorrell, Carlos Ghosn, Min Zhu |
17:30 | Global Economy, Fourth Industrial Revolution | 行业的数字化转型 | Rich Lesser, Klaus Kleinfeld, Marc R. Benioff, Meg Whitman, Bernard J. Tyson, Jean-Pascal Tricoire |
17:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 新闻发布会-世界经济论坛2016年年会联席主席 | Adrian Monck, Sharan Burrow, Mary Barra, Satya Nadella, Tidjane Thiam, Hiroaki Nakanishi, Amira Yahyaoui |
18:15 | Health | 新闻发布会-卫生问题是一项全球性挑战 | Frans van Houten, Arnaud Bernaert, Omar Ishrak, Georg Schmitt, Arif M. Naqvi, Mark Suzman |
18:15 | Global Economy, Human Capital | Issue Briefing: Diversity Barriers in Emerging Markets | Beth A. Brooke-Marciniak, Oliver Cann |
18:30 | Geo-Security | 渴望繁荣:反思人口向欧洲迁移问题 | Joachim Gauck, Klaus Schwab |
19:00 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 进步的希望 | Arne Sorenson, Ali Velshi, Vishal Sikka, Laura D'Andrea Tyson, Guy Ryder |
19:00 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 人工智能发展现状 | Andrew Moore, Stuart Russell, Matthew Grob, Connyoung Jennifer Moon, Ya-Qin Zhang |
19:30 | Arts & Culture | Press Conference: How can we preserve our Cultural Heritage? | Martin Roth, Richard Kurin, Lynette Wallworth, Georg Schmitt, Nico Daswani, Peter Salovey |
19:45 | Arts & Culture | Making Music across Borders with Yo-Yo Ma | Yo-Yo Ma |
20:15 | Arts & Culture | 一对一访谈:对话姚晨 | Yao Chen, Wei Tian |
20:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 新闻发布会—对话斯里兰卡总理 | Georg Schmitt, Ranil Wickremesinghe |
21:15 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 没有工作的世界? | Hiroko Kuniya, Yoshiaki Fujimori, Erik Brynjolfsson, Christopher Pissarides, Dileep George, Troels Lund Poulsen |
21:15 | Global Economy | 中国商业环境 | Hu Shuli, Zhang Weiying, Shi Wenchao, Zhang Fangyou, Nouriel Roubini, Zhang Yichen |
21:15 | Global Finance | 新闻发布会—非洲银行业:深度解读卢旺达 | Oliver Cann, Bob Diamond, Ashish J. Thakkar, Claver Gatete |
21:15 | Global Finance | 增长的假象 | Thorold Barker, Axel A. Weber, Raghuram G. Rajan, Anthony Scaramucci, Mary Callahan Erdoes |
21:45 | Global Economy | 议题发布—培养7500万创业者:这可能吗? | Edward Thai, Nik Gowing |
22:20 | Global Economy | The Canadian Opportunity | Justin Trudeau, Klaus Schwab, Fareed Zakaria |
22:45 | Geo-Security | 人道救援,势在必行:加强全球、地区和行业合作 | Peter Maurer, Hamdi Ulukaya, H.M. Queen Rania Al Abdullah Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Philipp Rösler |
23:15 | Global Economy | 印度和世界 | Vikram Chandra, Sunil Bharti Mittal, Arun Jaitley, Nouriel Roubini, John T. Chambers |
23:15 | Global Finance | 金融转型 | Dan Schulman, Gillian R. Tett, John Cryan, James P. Gorman, Tom de Swaan, Christine Lagarde |
23:15 | Health, Fourth Industrial Revolution | 情景假设:到2100年,你还活着吗? | Elizabeth Blackburn, Thomas DeRosa, Lynda Gratton, Derek Yach, Nancy Gibbs |
23:15 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 新闻发布会—教育第四次工业革命时代的主人翁 | Georg Schmitt, Saadia Zahidi, Vishal Sikka, Jeffrey Joerres, Omar K. Alghanim |
23:15 | Global Economy | South Africa’s Economic Outlook | Oliver Cann, Pravin Gordhan |
1月21日 |
时间 | 主题 | 内容 | 嘉宾 |
00:00 | Health | 议题发布—治疗阿尔茨海默病:我们知道些什么? | P. Murali Doraiswamy, Susan Goldberg |
00:00 | Geo-Security, Gender, Human Capital, Health | Press Conference: How can we finance the Sustainable Development Goals? | |
00:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 欢迎致辞与特别发言 | Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, Klaus Schwab |
00:45 | Geo-Security | 美国副总统拜登致辞 | Joseph R. Biden Jr, Klaus Schwab |
01:30 | Geo-Security | 从移民到融入 | Stefan Löfven, William Lacy Swing, Hamdi Ulukaya, Aleksandar Vucic, Sigmar Gabriel |
14:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 今日达沃斯 | |
15:30 | Press Conference with Ministers of Finance and Trade of Indonesia | Thomas T. Lembong, Bambang Brodjonegoro, Georg Schmitt | |
15:45 | Global Economy | 中国经济将走向何方? | Jiang Jianqing, Francine Lacqua, Ray Dalio, Zhang Xin, Christine Lagarde, Fang Xinghai, Gary D. Cohn |
16:00 | Global Economy | 亚欧大陆和现代丝绸之路 | Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, Kishore Mahbubani, Karim Massimov, Andrey L. Kostin, Giorgi Kvirikashvili |
16:15 | Global Finance | 完善全球金融体系,防患于未然 | Brian T. Moynihan, Stephen A. Schwarzman, Min Zhu, John Micklethwait, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Bill Winters |
16:15 | Geo-Security | 茉莉花革命:给世界各国带来的教训 | Ouided Bouchamaoui, Mohamed Fadhel Mahfoudh, Oliver Cann |
17:15 | Global Economy | Global Economy | Manuel Valls, Alexis Tsipras, Mark Rutte, Wolfgang Schäuble, Robin Niblett, Emma Marcegaglia |
17:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution, Global Economy | 非洲的下一个挑战 | Bronwyn Nielsen, Hailemariam Dessalegn, Hans Vestberg, Jacob G. Zuma, Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina, Yemi Osinbajo |
17:30 | Gender, Fourth Industrial Revolution | 第四次工业革命对性别平等问题的影响 | Saadia Zahidi, Theresa Whitmarsh, Mara Swan, Oliver Cann |
17:45 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 一对一访谈:对话John Green | John Green, Tanya Beckett |
18:15 | Climate, Global Economy, Health | 全球和本土策略并举,实现可持续发展 | William Warshauer, Afsin Yurdakul, Gonzalo Muñoz |
18:15 | Global Economy | Reuniting Cyprus | Espen Barth Eide, Klaus Schwab, Nicos Anastasiades, Mustafa Akinci |
18:30 | Global Economy, Geo-Security | An Insight, An Idea with Habib Essid | Habib Essid, Nadine Hani |
18:30 | Global Economy | Turkey’s Global Role | Ahmet Davutoglu, Philipp Rösler |
19:00 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | Press Conference: “The Humanitarian – Development Nexus: Can Relief Build the Foundation for a more Resilient Future? | Helen E. Clark, Stephen O'Brien, Badr Jafar, Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, Georg Schmitt |
19:30 | Global Economy | 如何重新激活全球经济? | Joseph E. Stiglitz, Kevin Delaney, Enda Kenny, Zhang Xin, Mehmet Simsek, Nelson Henrique Barbosa-Filho |
19:30 | Geo-Security, Gender, Human Capital, Health | Press Conference: What can businesses do to support the SDGs? | Paul Polman, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Sharan Burrow, Peter Vanham |
20:00 | Human Capital | 教育的未来:学会应对不确定性 | Angela Hobbs, Gordon Brown, Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, Alain Dehaze, Susanne F. Wille, Jimmy Wales |
20:00 | Global Economy | 地区转型:南亚 | Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, Ranil Wickremesinghe, Muhammad Yunus, Chanda Kochhar, Takehiko Nakao, Lisa Gibbs |
20:00 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 新闻发布会—对话瑞典首相 | Stefan Löfven, Georg Schmitt, Morgan Johansson |
20:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 议题发布—迈向超级智能社会 | Hiroaki Nakanishi, Michael Hanley |
20:35 | Energy | Press Conference: Africa's New Deal on Energy | Oliver Cann, Akinwumi Ayodeji Adesina, Jim Yong Kim, Daniel Kablan Duncan, Gayle E. Smith, Kofi Annan |
21:00 | Arts & Culture | 一对一访谈:对话Olafur Eliasson | Olafur Eliasson, Carol Becker |
21:00 | 处于世界舞台的英国 | David Cameron, Philipp Rösler | |
21:00 | Climate, Geo-Security | 新闻发布会—洛克菲勒基金会发起“Yield Wise”粮食安全行动倡议 | Georg Schmitt, Judith Rodin, Clyde C. Tuggle |
21:30 | Geo-Security | Special Conversation with Benjamin Netanyahu | Benjamin Netanyahu, Fareed Zakaria |
21:45 | Energy | 新的能源供需关系 | John Defterios, Ilham Aliyev, Khalid A. Al-Falih, Claudio Descalzi, Lin Boqiang, Kirill Dmitriev |
22:00 | Fourth Industrial Revolution, Geo-Security | 情景假设:机器人上战场? | Stuart Russell, Sir Roger Carr, Alan Winfield, Angela Kane, Michael Duffy |
22:00 | Fourth Industrial Revolution, Global Economy | 新的数字经济平台 | Jonathan Zittrain, Nathan Blecharczyk, Arun Sundararajan, Chuck Robbins, Pierre Nanterme, Susan Wojcicki |
22:00 | Geo-Security | Press Conference: How can we secure access to education for one million Syrian refugee children? | Gordon Brown, Børge Brende, Georg Schmitt, Johannes Hahn, Anthony Lake, Sarah Brown |
22:15 | Geo-Security | 议题发布—伊斯兰教政治化的演变 | Ahmad Iravani, Youmna Naufal, Asmaa AbuMezied, Oliver Cann |
22:30 | Global Economy, Climate, Gender, Human Capital | A Social Contract to Transform Our World by 2030 | Ban Ki-moon |
23:00 | 李源潮副主席特别致辞 | Klaus Schwab, Li Yuanchao | |
23:15 | Health | Issue Briefing: The Future of Healthcare in the United States | Sylvia Mathews Burwell, Jon Hilsenrath |
23:30 | Health | 新闻发布会—我们做好应对下一场流行病的准备了吗? | Georg Schmitt, Jeremy Farrar, Paul Polman, Victor Dzau |
23:40 | Global Economy | “中国制造”的未来 | Xu Jinghong, Li Sixuan, Neil Shen Nan Peng, Amy Wilkinson, Oleg V. Deripaska, Justin Lin |
23:45 | Energy, Climate | 辩论会:化石燃料的未来 | Christiana Figueres, Patrick Pouyanné, Tina Joemat-Pettersson, Martin Wolf, Kenneth A. Hersh, Enrique Ochoa Reza |
23:45 | Health | 塑造医疗卫生的未来 | Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, Paul Bulcke, Francis S. Collins, Frans van Houten, Olivier Brandicourt, Edith Schippers |
1月22日 |
时间 | 主题 | 内容 | 嘉宾 |
00:00 | Human Capital | 议题发布—公共服务与千禧一代:消除代际鸿沟 | Youmna Naufal, Scott Brison, Paolo Gallo |
00:45 | Climate | 气候与发展:新的迫切任务 | Jim Yong Kim, Ban Ki-moon, Paul Polman, Sharan Burrow, Daniel Kablan Duncan, Laurent Fabius, Erna Solberg |
01:00 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 21世纪的梦想 | Enrique Acevedo, Nathan Blecharczyk, William Adams, Muhtar A. Kent, Matsi Modise, Rodrigo Teijeiro |
01:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 数字时代的隐私和秘密 | Bassim Haidar, Salil Shetty, Amira Yahyaoui, Jason Mojica, Alexander De Croo, Darrell E. Issa |
14:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 今日达沃斯 | |
15:30 | Global Economy | Press Conference with the President of Argentina | Mauricio Macri, Georg Schmitt, Marcos Peña |
15:45 | Global Economy, Global Finance | 未来一年:欧元区经济展望 | Lionel Barber, Mario Draghi |
16:15 | Global Finance | 论坛辩论会:全球债务困境 | Elvira Nabiullina, Barry M. Gosin, Kenneth Rogoff, Andy Serwer, Alfonso Prat-Gay, Justin Lin |
16:15 | Global Economy | 俄罗斯前景展望 | Alexei Kudrin, Ian Bremmer, Wolfgang Ischinger, Yury Trutnev, Vladimir A. Dmitriev, Elizaveta Osetinskaya |
16:15 | Global Economy, Global Finance, Human Capital | 阿拉伯国家经济改革的未来 | Nadine Hani, Khalid Al Rumaihi, Anas Khalid Al Saleh, Suhail Bin Mohammed Al Mazrouei |
16:15 | Global Economy | Issue Briefing: Rethinking Plastics | Ellen MacArthur, Dominic Kailash Nath Waughray, Oliver Cann, Jean-Louis Chaussade |
17:30 | Geo-Security | 保障中东与北非地区的安全 | Tammam Saeb Salam, Christiane Amanpour, Haïdar Al Abadi |
17:30 | Geo-Security | 议题发布—重建福岛:对世界的借鉴意义 | Masao Uchibori, Yoichi Funabashi |
17:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 新闻发布会—各行各业的数字化转型 | Georg Schmitt, Bruce Weinelt |
18:00 | Geo-Security, Global Economy | 欧洲转折点 | David Miliband, Emmanuel Macron, Lyse Doucet, Witold Waszczykowski, Federica Mogherini, Josef Joffe |
18:15 | Gender | Issue Briefing: The Inequality Challenge | Winnie Byanyima, Oliver Cann, Katherine Garrett-Cox, Charlotte Petri Gornitzka |
18:30 | Geo-Security | Special Address with John F. Kerry | John F. Kerry, Klaus Schwab |
18:30 | Geo-Security | Press Conference: The Refugee and Migration Crisis | William Lacy Swing, Georg Schmitt, Hamdi Ulukaya, James Jay Barber |
18:45 | Global Economy, Global Finance | 与埃尔文•罗斯共同踏上发现之旅 | Alvin Roth, Martin Wolf |
19:30 | Global Economy, Global Finance | 瑞士模式正在面临威胁? | Sergio P. Ermotti, Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, Lino Guzzella, Ulrich Spiesshofer, Christa Markwalder, Rolf Dörig |
19:30 | Human Capital, Global Economy | Press Conference: How can Europe become a magnet for talent? | Georg Schmitt, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Carlos Moedas, Hélène Rey |
2 20:00 | Global Economy, Global Finance | 重建欧洲的金融信心 | Geoff Cutmore, Francisco González, Lord Jonathan Hill, Pier Carlo Padoan, Benoît Coeuré, Axel A. Weber |
20:15 | Arts & Culture | 一对一访谈:对话Kevin Spacey | Kevin Spacey, James Harding |
21:00 | Climate, Human Capital, Gender, Global Economy, Health | 新闻发布会:IFRC——十亿挑战 | Anthony Lake, Elhadj As Sy, Georg Schmitt, Ertharin Cousin, Cecilia Reyes Leuzinger |
21:00 | Global Economy, Global Finance | Issue Briefing: Disruptive Forces in Financial Services | Bo Lu, John Flint, Peter Vanham |
21:15 | Arts & Culture | 拉美新议程 | Enrique Peña Nieto, Moisés Naím |
21:45 | Global Economy | 亚洲的基础设施时代 | Jin Liqun, Bambang Brodjonegoro, Yorihiko Kojima, Arun Jaitley, Lin Xueling, Jim Leape |
21:45 | Health | 新闻发布会:击败布鲁氏病菌 | Andrew Robb, Oliver Cann |
22:00 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 情景假设:大脑坦白真相? | Brian Knutson, Nita A. Farahany, Jack Gallant, Rana Foroohar, Sam Muller |
22:00 | Global Economy, Global Finance | 新兴市场前景展望 | Ricardo Villela Marino, Arif M. Naqvi, Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss, Tom Keene, Ian Bremmer, A. Michael Spence |
22:00 | Health | 红色运动组织成立十周年特别庆祝活动 | Bono, Klaus Schwab |
22:00 | Geo-Security | Issue Briefing: Infusing Emotional Intelligence into AI | Justine Cassell, Maja Pantic, Vanessa Evers, Michael Hanley |
22:30 | Global Economy | 新闻发布会—新的贸易和投资方向/E15行动倡议 | Richard Samans, Nils Smedegaard Andersen, Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz, Amina Mohamed, Michael Froman |
23:00 | Gender | 推动进步,实现平等 | Melinda Gates, Jonas Prising, Justin Trudeau, Sheryl Sandberg, Zhang Xin, Lyse Doucet |
23:30 | Geo-Security | 暴力极端主义:全球威胁,本土对策 | Elif Shafak, Sir Mohammad Jaafar, L. Markus Karlsson, Justin Welby, Rowsch N. Shaways |
23:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution, Geo-Security | 新闻发布会—加强公私合作,防控网络犯罪 | Jean-Luc Vez, Jürgen Stock, Loretta Lynch, Georg Schmitt, Eugene Kaspersky |
23:45 | Global Economy | 为下一场流行病做准备 | Margaret Chan, Kenneth C. Frazier, Ertharin Cousin, Alpha Condé, Jim Yong Kim, William H. Gates III |
23:45 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 物联网时代已经到来 | Michael Gregoire, Michael McNamara, Robert F. Smith, Andreas Raptopoulos, T. K. Kurien |
1月23日 |
时间 | 主题 | 内容 | 嘉宾 |
00:00 | Global Economy | 议题发布—平台的力量 | Nik Gowing, Vishal Sikka, Philip J. Jennings |
00:30 | Health, Fourth Industrial Revolution | 新闻发布会—发行“人道救援影响力债券” | Peter Maurer, Alexander De Croo, Georg Schmitt |
00:40 | Geo-Security | 对话美国国防部长Ash Carter | Ashton B. Carter, Klaus Schwab |
01:00 | Global Economy, Geo-Security | 2016年美国的重点议程 | Kevin McCarthy, Christopher Coons, Niall Ferguson, Rana Foroohar, Stephen G. Pagliuca, Michael Froman |
01:00 | Geo-Security | 全球安全形势展望 | Jens Stoltenberg, Ashton B. Carter, Espen Barth Eide, Mohammad Ashraf Ghani |
01:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 2030年的生活:人类与机器 | Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Zanny Minton Beddoes, Andrew Moore, Jennifer Doudna, Nita A. Farahany, Eric Anderson |
14:30 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 今日达沃斯 | |
16:15 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 未来增长:技术驱动,以人为本 | Marc R. Benioff, Sharan Burrow, Geoff Cutmore, Maurice Lévy, Erik Brynjolfsson |
17:00 | Climate | Press Conference: Presenting the latest Environmental Protection Index by Yale University | Kim Samuel |
17:30 | Global Economy | 全球经济展望 | George Osborne, Haruhiko Kuroda, Christine Lagarde, Arun Jaitley, Martin Wolf, Tidjane Thiam |
18:30 | Global Economy | 重新想象城市生活 | Carlo Ratti, Jeff Jarvis |
18:45 | Global Economy | 日本经济的未来 | Akira Amari, Francine Lacqua, Takeshi Niinami, Adam Posen |
20:00 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | 全球科学展望 | Andrew R. Sorkin, Sheryl Sandberg, Satya Nadella, Paul Kagame, Anand Mahindra, Zachary Bookman |
21:45 | Health, Fourth Industrial Revolution | 努力保持人类本性 | Justine Cassell, Angela Hobbs, Jennifer Doudna, Henry T. Greely, Amira Yahyaoui, Klaus Schwab |
22:45 | Fourth Industrial Revolution | Closing Performance | Zoe Keating |