Chen Zhiwu
耶鲁大学博士,普纳思经济管理研究院联合学术主席,美国价值引擎公司创办人,华尔街Zebra Capital Management 对冲基金公司首席投资经理。金融学和金融资产定价领域最具创造力和最活跃的学者之一,曾获默顿米勒研究奖、芝加哥期权交易所研究奖等多项重大奖励。研究领域及专长包括市场监管、风险管理、资本市场、公司治理、现代金融理论、资产定价和投资管理、公司财务、期权定价和套期保值、资产证券化的运作等。陈教授在核心财经类学术刊物上发表过大量具有广泛影响的研究论文, 著作常被《华尔街日报》、《纽约时报》和《远东经济评论》等国际著名媒体引用。
Professor Zhiwu Chen is an expert on finance theory, securities valuation, emerging markets, and China's economy and capital markets and receiver of Merton Miller Prize. Dr. Chen is a frequent contributor to top economics and finance journals with research papers ranging from novel means of valuing stocks and pricing options, to studies of foreign exchange, market integration, mutual funds and profitable investment strategies. In the last few years, Dr.Chen has been actively doing research on market development and institution-building issues in the context of China's transition process and other emerging markets. Dr. Chen's work has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Boston Globe,Barron's, Far-Eastern Economic Review, and many newspapers and magazines in Hong Kong and China. He is also a frequent contributor to newspapers and magazines in China, on economic policy and legal reform issues.